Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Achievements of The Department of Atomic Energy During 2013

YEAR END REVIEW-Department of Atomic Energy

Following are the salient features of the initiatives taken by the Department of Atomic Energy during the year 2013:

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Governments of Maharashtra and Odisha for Setting up Directorate of Radiation Safety (DRS) 
The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) had entered into an agreement with two State authorities of Maharashtra and Odisha for formation of State level Directorate of Radiation Safety for strengthening the regulator control on medical diagnostic X-ray facilities. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to this effect was signed last month, first with the Aditional Chief Secretary, Public Health Department, Government of Maharashtra on January 18, 2013 and the second one with Principle Secretary, Health and Family Welfare Department to set up Directorate of Radiation Safety (DRS) in the respective States. 

With these, AERB has signed MoUs with a total of 10 States (Kerala, Mizoram, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Odisha) of which DRS in Kerala and Mizoram are already functioning. Government of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh are in the process of signing MoUs shortly. 
Research in Nuclear Science
   The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been pursuing R&D in nuclear science, engineering and advanced mathematics.  The R&D activities are carried out through Research Centres, Aided Institutions under the administrative control of the Department and also through extra mural support through Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS).  The Department has formulated projects under the XII Five Year Plan with emphasis on Research in Nuclear Science.  The outlay provided under XII Five Year Plan (2012-17) R&D Sector is ` 19,740 crore During the last three years, the Department has provided adequate financial support under R&D Sector as detailed below, for pursuing research in nuclear science:

                                                2010-11:   1817.07 crore (actual expenditure)
                                                2011-12:   2512.63 crore (actual expenditure)
                                                2012-13:   2940.90 crore (approved outlay)

Nuclear And Radiation Safety Policy of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
In accordance with the Presidential orders dated 15 November 1983, constituting the AERB, the functions of AERB include, as per clause 2(i), development of safety policies in both radiation and industrial safety areas, and further, as per clause 2(vi), evolving major safety policies based on safety criteria, recommended by IAEA and other international bodies, adopted to suit Indian conditions. Accordingly, the safety policies concerning the activities regulated by AERB are enshrined in the high level documents of AERB, namely The Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules, 2004, the mission statement and the various `Codes` of AERB. These documents include the policies, principles and / or safety objectives that apply to the relevant activity/field and the specific regulatory requirements that are to be followed for fulfilling the same. 

The above principles and objectives form the broader policy of AERB for regulation of nuclear and radiation safety in the country. 

AERB  already published 141 regulatory documents. AERB`s approach with regard to prioritization for preparation of specific regulatory documents is a dynamic and ongoing process. The 27 balance documents are incorporated in the document development framework established by AERB in accordance with their assigned priorities. 
Kudankulam Unit-1 Synchronized to Grid 
The first unit of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) was synchronized in the early hours of 22nd October 2013 and is now generating 160 MW electricity. This information was given by Shri V.Narayansamy, Minister of State in the Prime Ministers in New Deli.He  said the power will be further raised to 500 MWe, 750 MWe and 100o MWe in stages. For this at every stage various tests have been conducted and the technical parameters have also been verified. Based on the results of thetests at eachof the stages and with the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) clearences, subsequent stages are reached. 

With the addition of KKNPP Unit-1 of 1000 MWe capacity, the Nuclear Power contribution in the country will increase from 4780 MWeto 5780 MWe. 

KKNPP Unit-1 is the 20th Nuclear Power Station of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), connected to power grid in the country. 
Courtesy: Press Information Bureau (pib.nic.in)

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