Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Achievements of the Ministry of Science & Technology During 2013

Following are the salient features of the initiatives taken by the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences during the year 2013:

Sh. S. Jaipal Reddy inaugurated “Weather Services of IMD on Mobile” 
138th Foundation Day of IMD Celebrated 

Union Minister for science & Technology and Earth Sciences Shri S.Jaipal Reddy inaugurated the “Weather Services of IMD on Mobile” in a glittering function organised to mark the 138th Foundation Day of India Metrological Department (IMD) here in New Delhi today. Dr. Shailesh Nayak , Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences , Dr L. S. Rathore, DGM, IMD and other senior officers of IMD were present on the occasion. 

Nowcasting of Weather 

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) under the Ministry of Earth Sciences operationalized its location specific nowcastingweather services through Earth System Science Organization (ESSO)-IMD across the country. This includes the web based inputs. Under this service activity, that covers 117 urban centres currently on experimental basis, nowcast of severe weather (Thunderstorms; heavy rainfall from lows/depressions over the land) in 3-6h range is issued. Origin, development/movement of severe weather phenomena are regularly monitored through all available observing systems (Automatic Weather Stations-AWSs; Automatic Rain Gauges-ARGs; Doppler Weather Radars-DWRs; Automatic Weather Observing Systems-AWOS; satellite derived wind vectors, temperature, moisture fields etc.) are assimilated to generate predictions (prepared both in text as well as in graphical form) on 3h time range. Web GIS rendering of thenowcast products is implemented for enhanced spatial representation of the severe weather intensities associated with warnings. 

Proposals invited from Indian Reseachers to Carry Out Study in Geology and Related Subjects. 

The Earth System Science Organisation (ESSO) under the Ministry of Earth Sciences invited proposals from Indian researchers working in national research Institutes, Universities and other Govt. organizations to carry out core related studies in Geology, Geochemistry, Petrography, Geochronology, Palaeo-magnetism, Rock mechanics, Hydrogeology, Palaeo-environment, Microbial and related studies. The last date of submission in prescribed format was  31st May, 2013.

The proposal was a follow up of the major scientific programme initiated by ESSO-MoES with National Geophysical Research Institute (CSIR-NGRI), Hyderabad to understand the mechanism of Reservoir- Triggered Seismicity (RTS) in the Koyna Warna region, Maharashtra. A significant component of the programme includes, drilling a set of 4 boreholes initially, each going down to about 1500 m depth. The first borehole in Koyna was completed, while further work underway. The cores of both the basalt pile and the underlying basementgranitoids retrieved from the borehole form a valuable database and offer a unique opportunity to carry out a wide spectrum of scientific investigations. 

IMD Predicted Normal Southwest Monsoon Seasonal Rainfall during 2013

IMD predicted that in the year 2013 their will be a normal Southwest monsoon seasonal rainfall for the country as a whole i.e. 96 to 104% of Long Average. during  June to September. This was announced by the Union Minister of Earth Sciences & Science and Technology Shri S.Jaipal Raddy at a Press conference on  25th April, 2013 in NewDellhi . The prediction was found correct.

LS Rathore Elected as Member of Executive Council of WMO 

Dr Laxman Singh Rathore, Director General of Meteorology & Permanent Representative of India with WMO was  elected as Member of Executive Council of WMO during the 65th Executive Council of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) meeting currently being in progress at Geneva. 

Dr Laxman Singh Rathore, DG IMD & Permanent Representative of India with WMO Elected As CO-Vice Chairman of Intergovernmental Board of Climate Services (IBCS) 

Dr Laxman Singh Rathore, Director General of Meteorology & Permanent Representative of India with World Meteorological Organization (WMO) was again  elected as Co-Vice Chairman of Intergovernmental Board of Climate Services (IBCS) during its first meeting held at Geneva during 1st to 5th July 2013. Dr. Rathore was recently elected as member of the Executive Council of the WMO and has earlier served a term as Vice President of Commission of Agriculture Meteorology. Anton Eliassen, Director General, Norway Meteorological Institute has been elected as Chair and Dr Linda Makuleni, South Africa is the other Co-Vice Chair. 

With the appointment of Rathore, India, who is championing the cause of developing nations is poised to play a crucial role in implementation of Global Framework of Climate Service (GFCS). WMO launched GFCS as key outcome of World Climate Conference (WCC)-3 aiming to enables better management of the risks of climate variability and change and adaptation to climate change, through the development and incorporation of science-based climate information and prediction into planning, policy and practice on the global, regional and national scale. The four priority areas of the GFCS are Agriculture and Food Security, Disaster Risk Reduction, Health and Water. 

Prediction of Cyclone Phailin

India Meteorological Department (IMD) gave a clear picture of cyclone “Phailin” in the bay of Bengal well in time in October 2013 which helped in saving millions of life in the costal areas of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.

Courtesy: Press Information Bureau (pib.nic.in)

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