Monday, 23 December 2013

Highlights Relating to the Shipping Ministry During 2013

Year End Review
Capacity Augmentation
The capacity of Indian Ports was 1245.30 Million Tonnes Per Annum (MTPA) at the end of Eleventh Plan period.    The target is to increase the port capacity by the end of the Twelfth Five Year Plan to 2493.10 MTPA with the Major Ports accounting for about 50% of this capacity. In the year 2013-14, 30 projects have been targeted for award involving an additional capacity of 282 MTPA with an investment of Rs. 24959 crores.  As on 30.11.2013, 13 of these Projects have already been awarded entailing an investment of Rs. 3831.30 crores and an additional capacity of 80.85 MTPA.
Two New Major Ports
            In the year 2013-14, the Ministry has been focusing on new capacity augmentation projects and mechanization projects apart from capital dredging projects which are critical to improve the competitiveness of major ports. To achieve the Twelfth Plan targets for capacity augmentation, the work on two new Major Ports, one at Sagar Island in West Bengal and the other at Durgarajpatnam in Andhra Pradesh is in progress. These two Ports will add additional capacity of around 100 MTPA.
In the Service of the defence forces - Cochin Shipyard
 During the current year 2013-14, CSL launched the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier, the most prestigious warship of the Indian Navy. The yard also delivered first Fast Patrol Vessel ‘Aadesh’ to the India Coast Guard (ICG). During the current year 2013-14, CSL has also launched two Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs) being built for the Indian Coast Guard.
Inland waterways
Ministry of Shipping regulates the development of Inland Water Transport (IWT) Sector through Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI).  The development of IWT sector is a thrust area during the 12th Plan.  So far, five waterways have been declared as National Waterways (NWs). In addition, Barak River from Lakhipur in Manipur to Bhanga in Assam (121 km) is proposed to be declared as the sixth National Waterway.  During 2013-14, Transportation of three (3) MTPA of imported coal for seven (7) years from Haldia (Sandheads) to NTPC’s power plant at Farakka through National Waterway -one (1) has been commenced in November, 2013.

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