Friday, 20 December 2013

India and Venezuela Sign Programme on Cultural Exchange

India and Venezuela here today (20.12.2013) signed a Programme on Cultural Exchange. The programme was signed by the Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Shri Ravindra Singh and Minister of State for the Promotion of Cultural Economy, Ministry of People’s Power for Culture, Venezuela Mr Javier Sarabia after delegation level talks between the two countries. Programme on Cultural Exchange shall be valid for three years.  Thereafter, it shall be renewed automatically for a term of three years at a time unless either Party gives in writing an advance notice of its intention to terminate.
  According to the Programme of Cultural Exchange boththe countries have decided to:

(i)           Promote the exchange of bilingual publications (traditional and contemporary stories).
(ii)        Participation of the Republic of India in the Venezuela’s International Book Fair on a reciprocal basis.
(iii)      Facilitate, in accordance with their domestic legislation, the customs and tax conditions in order to provide assistance to the International Book Fairs in their respective countries.
(iv)      Encourage the participation of Venezuelan and Indian poets and writers in the literature festivals organized by both countries.
(v)        Encourage the participation of the Republic of India in the Venezuela’s World Festival of Poetry.
(vi)      Make an issue of the magazine ‘’Actualidades” (a CELARG publication) on the Republic of India or on Indian writers.

According to the Programme of Cultural Exchange, in the field of Film and Media, both the countries undertake to:
(i)           Promote the participation of Venezuelan film works at international movie exhibitions organized by the Republic of India.
(ii)        Encourage the participation of Indian movies in the National Film Library and community rooms of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
(iii)      Organize movie exhibitions through their Diplomatic and / or Consular / Missions in both countries.
(iv)      Organize Fora for the purpose of exchanging expertise between the film makers and representatives from both countries.
(v)        Invite personalities and new film makers to give lectures at the National Lab of Film and Media in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
(vi)      Encourage the institutional links between the Autonomous National Center of Film Making of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Institute of Cinema and Television of the Republic of India.
(vii)   Encourage the acquisition of Distribution Rights of Indian film works by the film distributor Amazonia Films.
(viii) Promote the participation of Venezuelan film works at Indian international film festivals, and the participation of Indian works at Venezuelan movies festival.

According to the Programme of Cultural Exchange In the field of Image and Space Arts, both the countries undertake to:
(i)    Boost the exchange of knowledge with specialists in the field of drawing techniques with natural pigments, specialists in dying with natural inks, as well as the use of enzymes.
(ii)   The Institute of Image and Space Arts expresses its interest in receiving groups of six (6) specialists to organize workshops together with local specialists in the Venezuelan communities.
(iii)  Participation of two (2) artists, lecturers and/ or specialists to the events organized by the Institute of Image and Space Arts.
(iv)  Exchange of knowledge for the purpose of training in the two states of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with the help of a photographer or specialist from the Republic of India, a group of thirty people consisting of students, artists, and members of the community in general.
(v)   Invite one photographer and /or specialist in photography for the purpose to participation in an event organized by theFundación Centro Nacional de la Fotografía de Venezuela- FUNDACENAF ( Foundation National Center of Photography in Venezuela), for the purpose of encouraging the photographic creation, the community management of photography, the curatorial and museum experience, the use of new means and technologies for the promotion of photography, its preservation or creation of data bank and photo files.

        According to the Programme of Cultural Exchange, in the field of Stage and Music Arts, both the countries undertake to:
(i)           Participation of a Venezuelan theatre company in the New Delhi’s Festival to diffuse the Venezuelan theatre in the Republic of India.
(ii)         Exchange of six specialists belonging to a Kathakali theatre group for the purpose of organizing workshops and presentations in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela during one week.
(iii)       Participation of one dancer or couple of dancers from the Republic of India at the International Dance Festivals “Solos y Duetos” (Solos & Duets).
Courtesy: Press Information Bureau (

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