Tuesday, 24 December 2013

‘E-Inclusion: IT Training for Rural SC/ST/Women Beneficiaries’ Project Launched

The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, launched the ‘E-Inclusion: IT Training for Rural SC/ ST/ Women Beneficiaries’ Project here today. Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Communication & IT, formally launched the Project by releasing the Handbook titled ‘E-Literacy: Towards Empowering Rural India’ containing profiles of 50 beneficiaries who have successfully undertaken the basic IT training programme under the E-Inclusion project. Shri Sibal also felicitated ten beneficiaries by distributing certificates to them on the successful completion of the programme. Around 100 beneficiaries, which included young boys, girls and women, including the Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) attended the event from the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. 

The Project is part of the Government of India’s initiative under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) for creating a transparent and accountable governance model for enabling service delivery at the doorstep of citizens. To achieve this mission, DeitY has setup over 100,000 Common Services Centers (CSCs) on a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model. CSCs are the front-end delivery points for government, private and social sector services to the citizens of India. 

Shri Kapil Sibal mentioned that Digital Literacy is an enabler for empowering communities and providing them real freedom. The Government initiative for making one person in every family e-Literate is a step in that direction. This is in fact a revolution for enabling citizen’s participation in nation building. By making the girls and boys in rural India to become digitally literate, the Government is achieving the objective of empowering and enabling them to acquire information, knowledge and skills. This would also help in enhancing the employability of these young men and women. Besides this, this will go a long way in bridging the digital divide. He suggested that in this task we should also involve States, industry associations such as NASSCOM, NGOs and other stakeholders. He also mentioned various government projects that are in the pipeline like the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN), Aakash 4.0, etc. He was hopeful that NOFN will enable delivery of health, education, agriculture and other services in a seamless manner at the doorsteps of the citizens. 

Shri J. Satyanarayana, Secretary, DeitY, on this occasion mentioned that India stands at third position globally in the field of ICT. He spoke about the various dimensions of E-Inclusion – Digital Literacy, Financial Inclusion, E-Governance, E-Livelihoods and how to mainstream physically disabled into the digital movement. He stated that Government is actively considering to provide e-Literacy to 10,00,000 (10 lakh) men and women living in rural India at a cost of Rs. 100 crore. The CSCs will be utilized to achieve this target. This would cover one block in every State and one individual in every family will be made e-Literate. 

Courtesy: Press Information Bureau (pib.nic.in) 

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