Central funding for Capacity Building of State & local bodies begins
States to get 10,000 ITS enabled buses in 2013-14
7601 buses already sanctioned to States
Delhi Metro records highest ever ridership of 26 lakhs
Land Pooling Policy notified
Cities have now become the engines of growth. The story of future growth of the country will be written in urban areas. In such a scenario, the cities will have to undergo a major makeover. Urban planning, urban renewal and urban development assume unparalleled significance in this context.
It was towards this end that a massive programme of urban renewal, Jawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM), was taken up in 2005 for a period of seven years envisaging an investment of more than Rs 1,00,000 cr with a central share of nearly Rs 66,00,000 cr. It has mainly two components:-
1. UIG : Urban Infrastructure & Governance for select 65 Mission Cities
2. UIDSSMT: Urban Infrastructure Development for Small & Medium Towns
These programmes include projects in transport and basic services like water supply, sewerage, drainage and solid waste management.
The Mission has completed its normal tenure on 31-3-2012. Government has extended the mission for a period of two years i.e. up to 31-3-2014 for completion of ongoing reforms and projects.
New projects are also being sanctioned in the transition phase, 28 new projects were sanctioned during the transition phase March 2012 –March 2014 (as on Nov 2013) under UIG while 174 projects were sanctioned for UIDSSMT for the same period.
Out of 539 UIG projects sanctioned in Phase-1 (March 2005-March 2012), 217 have been physically completed till Nov 30, 2013. Similarly, till Nov 30, 2013, 322 projects are in various stages of completion with nearly Rs 46, 000 cr worth of physical works having been implemented. And out of 806 UIDSSMT projects sanctioned in phase-1, 413 have been physically completed till Nov 30, 2013. Similarly, till Nov 30, 2013, 393 projects are in various stages of completion with nearly Rs 11, 000 cr worth of physical works having been implemented.
UIG (Transition Phase) In Rs cr
Year | No. of projects approved | Approved Cost | ACA Committed | ACA Released (including ACA released for projects sanctioned in previous years) | No. of Projects Completed # |
2012-13 | 03 | 89.14 | 71.31 | 2438.50 | 56 |
2013-14(upto 30 Nov, 2013) | 25 | 2270.70 | 1093.30 | 740.77 | 32 |
Year | No. of projects approved | Approved Cost | ACA Committed | ACA Released (including ACA released for projects sanctioned in previous years) | No. of Projects completed # |
2012-13 | 33 | 334.56 | 267.65 | 1317.01 | 185 |
2013-14(upto 30 Nov, 2013) | 141 | 3958.10 | 3198.52 | 1429.26 | 83 |
# Projects completed indicates completion of projects sanctioned up to Mar, 2012
In the transition phase, the thrust is on speedy completion of sanctioned projects. Accordingly, out of the 217 projects sanctioned in Phase-1, the highest no. of projects ie. 56 were completed in 2012-13. Upto 31st Oct. 2013, 30 UIG projects have been completed in 2013-14. Similarly, out of a total of 806 projects of UIDSSMT, highest number of projects ie 185 were completed in 2012-13. Upto 31st Oct. 2013, 83 projects have been completed under in 2013-14.
JnNURM & Reforms
One of the main aims of JnNURM is to help in urban renewal but in a manner which is sustainable in the long run. Therefore, insistence on state and urban level reforms is an essential component of the programme. A total of 23 reforms were mandated.
The level of reforms has now touched 78% (upto Oct. 31, 2013) from a level of only 9% in pre- JnNURM period. At present, the number of states/UTs showing more than 85% reforms stand at 11, 12 States/UTs have carried out between 70-85% required reforms, while 8 of them have shown upto 50% reforms. High performance on reforms states include Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, UP, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh among others. Some of the states showing less than 50 % reforms are of North-Eastern Region.
Capacity Building
Evaluation exercises undertaken of JnNURM Phase-1 by various appointed committees and agencies have unanimously pointed to the large capacity gap plaguing urban local bodies as the primary impediment to speedy implementation of projects and reforms. Accordingly, it was decided that ULBs shall be empowered by building capacities in terms of human resources, infrastructure, procedures and systems to effectively deliver basic services to the citizen. So, funds are being sanctioned under JnNURM for capacity building from the current year onwards. 19 proposals of capacity building were received, out of which 13 proposals worth Rs 627 cr have been approved as on Oct, 2013.
Some of the other important developmental schemes for urban areas of the Ministry include:
Urban Infrastructure Development in Satellites Towns and Seven Megacities(UIDSST)
The scheme was undertaken on a pilot basis in July 2009 covering seven projects with an outlay of Rs 632.07 cr out of which Rs 500 cr is GOI share. As per Planning Commission, 2014-15 onwards, the Scheme should be funded under JnNURM.
The funds allocated and released for these projects under UIDSST during the last year and current year is as under:-
Year | Budget Allocation (` in crore) | Released / Actual Exp (` in crore) |
2012-13 | 30 | 30.00 |
2013-14 | 78 | 46.02 (till 31st Oct, 2013) |
10% Lumpsum Provision of Scheme for benefit of North-Eastern States including Sikkim
The scheme was started in 2001-02 for special development of urban infrastructure in North eastern states. In the last 12 years, 281 projects estimated at cost of Rs 261807.83 lakh have been sanctioned, out of which 153 projects have been completed and rest are under various stages of completion.
Modern BUSES
The bus funding project was taken up by GOI under JnNURM during 2009-10. Under this project, a total 15441 buses were sanctioned to 61 mission cities with the estimated Central assistance of Rs. 2089 Cr (Approx.).
Another 10,000 buses are being sanctioned with special focus on hill States in the year 2013-14. Accordingly, Ministry of Urban Development has upto 13.12. 13 sanctioned 7601 buses to 76 cities/ cluster of cites in 12 States with the estimated project cost of Rs.3240 crore(approx.) with ACA component of Rs 1900 cr. In the revised guidelines for procurement of buses , assistance will be given not only for buses but also Intelligent Transport System as well as other ancillary infrastructure like depots, control centres, terminals etc.
BRTS (Bus Rapid Transit System)
BRT is a bus based mass transit system. BRT system was introduced in India to secure a modal shift towards public transport.
Status of BRT projects under JnNURM – for Projects Approved Till March 2012
(All Cost in Rs. Lakh)
Name of States | No of Projects | Approved Cost | ACA Commitment | Amount Released | Completion Status |
Andhra Pradesh | 2 | 60,393.00 | 30,196.50 | 27,176.87 | - |
Gujarat | 5 | 156,047.00 | 63,301.75 | 46,837.57 | 3 |
Madhya Pradesh | 3 | 55,289.00 | 25,810.50 | 17,379.49 | 1 |
Maharashtra | 7 | 178,862.79 | 85,171.20 | 78,531.34 | 2 |
Rajasthan | 2 | 33,554.94 | 16,777.46 | 8,590.75 | 1 |
West Bengal | 1 | 25,291.00 | 8,851.85 | 2,212.96 | - |
Total | 20 | 509,438 | 230,109 | 180,729 | 7 |
Status of BRT projects under JnNURM – for Projects Approved post March 2013
(All Cost in Rs. Lakh)
Name of States | No of Projects | Approved Cost | ACA Commitment | Amount Released | Completion Status |
Madhya Pradesh | 2 | 13,993.00 | 6996.5 | 0 | - |
Rajasthan | 1 | 17413.00 | 8706.5 | 0 | - |
Total | 3 | 31406.00 | 15703.00 | 0 | - |
No Projects were approved between April 2012 – March 2013.
National Capital Region Planning Board
National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) is a unique example of inter-state regional development planning for a region, covering15 districts in the states of U.P, Haryana, and Rajasthan and National Capital Territory of Delhi, with the Nation Capital as its core. The Board also arranges for, and oversees, the financing of selected development projects in the National Capital Region through Central and State Plan, funds and other sources of revenue.
Since inception, NCRPB has approved financial assistance for 277 infrastructure development projects. The current status of these projects are as under:-
Status of project | No. of projects |
Completed | 188 |
Ongoing | 89 |
Total | 277 |
During last year and the current year, the Board has released following loan amount to State Governments/implementing:
(Rs. in crores)
2012-13 | 2013-14 (upto 31.7.2013) | |
Haryana | 335.73 | 2.84 |
UP | -- | -- |
Rajasthan | 61.75 | 2.00 |
GNCTD | -- | -- |
Special Area Development Authority,Gwalior | 21.03 | -- |
In July this year, the Board approved proposals to include Bharatpur district of Rajasthan; Mahendragarh and Bhiwani districts of Haryana from Government of Rajasthan and Haryana respectively in NCR.
Metro Rail
Metro has become a brand name which every city in the country wants to possess. Accordingly, the Central Government is supporting preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for Metro Rail projects in all cities with population of 20 lakhs and above.
The metro rail projects which have already been sanctioned by Government of India, and which are under operation or under various stages of implementation include Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata and Mumbai.
Apart from this, the State Government/Union Territories which have approached Government of India for metro rail projects are Chandigarh Administration for Tri-City of Chandigarh, Mohali &Panchkula Metro Rail project, Government of Gujarat for Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Metro Rail project, Government of Maharashtra for Pune Metro Rail project, Government of Punjab for Ludhiana Metro Rail project and Government of Uttar Pradesh for Lucknow Metro Rail project.
The Delhi Metro achieved a major milestone on 08th August, 2013. Delhi Metro recorded its highest ever ridership figure of 25, 04,900 on that day. This record was also subsequently broken on 19th August, 2013 when 26, 06,364 commuters travelled by the system.
National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited
An important feat this year was the constitution of National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited. (NCRTC) for designing, developing, implementing, financing, operating and maintaining of Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) project in National Capital Region (NCR). Three prioritized corridors under phase-I, to be taken up by NCRTC are:
S. No. | RRTS Corridor | Length (Km) |
1 | Delhi- Sonipat-Panipat | 111.2 |
2 | Delhi-Gurgaon-Rewari-Alwar | 180.0 |
3 | Delhi-Ghaziabad- Meerut | 90.2 |
Land pooling policy was notified in Sept, 2013, assures fundamental changes in acquisition and development of land in Delhi. Landowners can pool their land for development by the city's land-owning agency.
DMRC took over the operations of the Airport Express Link on 1st July, 2013 following a notice by the concessionaire that it won’t be able to run the operations of the line after 30th June, 2013.
DMRC and the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 17th September, 2013 in order to carry out projects for the production of renewable solar power in the Delhi Metro premises.
To ensure safety of women in buses , Ministry of Urban Development issued an advisory in February this year to all the States/UTs to examine provision of special city buses for women in all million plus population cities.
The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) has entered into an agreement with IIM Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy) for planning, designing and construction of the campus. The campus with world class facilities will accommodate 1500 students and 300 faculty/staff members and will be constructed at a cost of Rs. 450 crore (approx.)
Courtesy: Press Information Bureau (pib.nic.in)
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